Due diligence is a must: I need to do my homework or I risk having surprises. The supplier might be inactive, or with its VAT code cancelled

if it’s made in Word/Excel it's a risk
Tax Agency ANAF
https://www.anaf.ro/inactivi/ - check if the company is active
https://www.anaf.ro/RegistruTVA/ - check if the company has a valid VAT code
https://www.anaf.ro/restante/ - check if the company has tax debts above EUR 20 000
Ministry of Finance
https://mfinante.gov.ro/domenii/informatii-contribuabili/persoane-juridice/info-pj-selectie-dupa-cui - check if the company has positive equity // companies with negative equity are a risk
Trade Registry
https://portal.onrc.ro/ONRCPortalWeb/appmanager/myONRC/signup?p=infoCert obtain a Certificat Constatator - a snapshot of the information as of the date of request // automatic, instant, for a fee of EUR 9
https://portal.onrc.ro/ONRCPortalWeb/appmanager/myONRC/public?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=login#wlp_login obtain a full company history // takes up to one week because the Trade Registry does it manually, for a fee of EUR 50